12:37 PM
by Eve
STRANGE BEDFELLOWS. This is a random round-up of anti-farm subsidy articles and papers. I do this not because I think you people are too stupid to do this, but in order to demonstrate how wide-ranging opposition to the farm dole is.
A Canadian finance minister
The Guardian
A(nother) lefty news site
A righty think tank
A libertarian think tank
A lefty NYT op-ed writer
A random Kenyan vegetable saleswoman, via TIME Europe
Business Week
All for now. More farm stuff presently...
12:22 PM
by Eve
FARMERS AGAINST SUBSIDIES: Not American farmers, of course. After all, American farmers are emblems of independence and local, communal aid--we've gotta make sure they stay on welfare! Now, if only them furriners had a real appreciation for good old fashioned free enterprise...
12:22 PM
by Eve
ETHANOL: NOW MORE THAN EVER. Ethanol subsidy update from intrepid foe of farm-welfare Michelle Malkin. Lots of good stuff. Here's a small sample: "According to the Washington Post, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) supervised the writing of a section in the Senate-passed energy bill requiring gasoline refiners to nearly triple the use of ethanol by 2012.
"After 2012, this anti-free market maneuver would guarantee ethanol a growing fixed share of the country's fuel consumption every year, no matter what consumers actually demand or what better methods of reformulating gasoline come along."
Note: That link goes to Malkin's current column. After she posts a new one, you can find the ethanol update here--look around August 28.
12:19 PM
by Eve
MCCAIN ROCKS!!!: OK, well, he did rock on one issue, back in 1999, but hey, I'll take what I can get. A good Michelle Malkin column on why ethanol subsidies are lamer than lame. Only one GOP candidate was willing to say so at an Iowa primary debate. Guess who it was? (Hint: Not Dubya.)